Waterloo Chiropractor, Waterloo Physiotherapist, and Massage Therapist (RMT)

Delanghe Chiro Runs a 5K!

We’re excited at the clinic that we’ve decided to take on the Run Waterloo Grandway 5K as a team!

Completing 5Ks isn’t just about racing to your limit- conquering it in any capacity can do wonders for your health. Here at the clinic we all have all different goals for this event depending on factors like family, work schedule and our fitness starting point. Here is how everybody hopes to do and how they are going to prepare!

Dr. Sean

GOAL: Something that’s less than 2 minutes slower than my personal best- anything faster than 17:30.

TRAINING GOAL: I hope to run 50-60K/week most weeks with 1 interval workout and one longer run most weeks.

Chiro Intern Taylor

GOAL: Finish without walking! Anything under 40 would be great.

TRAINING GOAL: 1 run/week (3-5 km), 1 distance walk/week (3-5km), carrying around my 10-month old all the time otherwise!

Physio Sayaka

GOAL: To come in around 22:30 give or take 10 seconds. 

TRAINING GOAL: Run 3x/week and nail the weekly H+P interval workout. 

Karen Kennedy

GOAL: Why is Sean making me do this?

TRAINING GOAL: Walking 3x/week.

Jackie Hergott

GOAL: To complete the race with a brisk walk, and not be worn out when done.

TRAINING GOAL: Walking 2-5x/week, 3-5K total!

Lance Dawson

GOAL: Under 25minutes, enjoy the race.

TRAINING GOAL: A mix of cardio and weights every week. Playing in my band and drinking teas with 4-7 sugars.

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